In this tutorial you will learn how to create and call non static method . We will create method and do operation of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. If you want video tutorial here is link in English and in Hindi language. So lets create some basic math calculator.
Java Tutorial in English
Java Tutorial in Hindi
Lets create class and and check mark on public static void main so it will create main method where we call .
Now we will create method .we used void since we do not want to return but just print . After method we will use bracket and then curly brace and we will write our logic here. we will create variable a and b and provide value, since we want to add we created another variable name result and we will adding a and b since this hold value of first and second value. And finally we want to print this but we only created non static method but not calling . But we now in main method since it is entry point.
public void myAdd(){
int a = 2;
int b =3;
int result =(a+b);
Syntax of calling non static method first we will type name of class and then name variable then equal sign for assignment and new word, then class name and bracket. Since we have created object. Now type that and use dot now will get list of all method which we can access. We select our method then click on run and check output.
Now we will create method and we will change assignment for subtraction, (a -b) and we observe in output, Now we will do for multiplication and division .
In this java beginners tutorial we will learn about how to create and call non static method step by step . This is very important concept we will create method and will call in main method if you want to watch video in either English or Hindi Language click on below link.
Java Tutorial in English Language
Java Tutorial in Hindi Language
We will create method in same class . So first let create class.
As seen in above picture we have created class and check mark on public static Void main and click on Finish. Now we will get auto generated main method in Java.
Now create method in same class.
public void myFirstMethod(){
System.out.println("Hello This is my Method");
To create method we use public access modifier so we can access in same package. We are not returning anything so we have used void word. we provide name of method and bracket and then curly brace , where inside we will write out logic. For now we are just printing Hello.....method but later we will play this in next tutorial.
So java non static method creation is done now we have to call this method . So lets learn how to call this method?
if we would have use static method we do not need to create object instead we can call directly by using class name however this is not static method so we have to create object.
myJavaNonStaticMethod mjm = new myJavaNonStaticMethod();
In the main method we will use same name class name and create variable and them we use = for assignment and new word and class name and bracket . now we store object in variable named mjm. If we type mjm and then dot we will get all method which we can access of them but for now we will select method which we created earlier .
Now we run this method , for running method we will click on green arrow if eclipse observe out put.
we can observe we got output as we expected. if you want to learn more here is link of few more videos .
In this tutorial we will learn about how to create variable to java data type and how to use it with practical step by step example.
If you want to follow along, click on video tutorial which are available in Hindi and English languages.
Java primitive Data type tutorial in English
Java primitive Data type tutorial in Hindi
Java Integer
If we want to use or declare integer, we type int then name of variable in this example point is name of variable which hold value which 5 and for assign we use =. since we store value in variable call point now we can use it. lets print out in console. we have main method and print in console we have system.out.println command and we use semicolon at the end .Now click on Green button to run program but first save before run and check in console. we can observe 5 in console. Integer uses 4 bytes of memory and can store whole number start form -2147483648 to 2147483647.
Java Primitive data type Byte
Byte is primitive datatype of Java. which can hold whole number from -128 to 127 and use 1 byte of size.
to declare byte we type byte and created variable(num) which hold value 10 and we will print it . Now save program and click on run and observe you can 10 in console as describe in image.
Java Primitive data type Short
Short is another datatype of Java which can hold whole number from -32768to 32767 and use size of 2 bytes. To declare short we use short and created variable name price which hold value 15. for assign we use equal sign and we are printing value in console as we can observe in below picture.
Java Primitive data type Long
Long is one of the data type of Java and we can use if we have large number , since it can hold large number as result it will take 8 bytes of memory and can hold whole number from -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807. To declare long we use long as data type , we use store as name of variable and printing in console.
Java Primitive data type Float
All above data type we use for if number is whole but if number is in fraction or not whole number? In Java we use float or double so lets see how to use it.
Float can hold 6 to 7 fractional number and take 4 bytes of memory .
where double can hold 15 decimal number and take 8 bytes of memory. To declare double datatype we use double and we assign value 3.25 to variable name cake and we are printing this in main method . we can see 3.25 value is print out in out put.
Java Primitive data type Character
If we want to store single character we can use this data type in Java. Which can store single value and take 2 byte of memory . Lets take an example. To declare character we use char as data type and we used math as variable for value we use single invited comma as described in below image.
Java Primitive data type String
If we want to use more that one character we can use String . Unlike character we will provide double invited comma to value . lets take and example of String. To declare string we use string as datatype and we assign value in last name variable now we will print and check out put.
Java Primitive data type Boolean
Boolean is either true or false . This is very important data type we will use this in future tutorial a lot. Boolean will take 1 byte of memory. lets check an example. To declare Boolean data type we use boolean and we created variable and set as true and we printed in console
Now here important things to know we can use same data type for many circumstances but if we know how much memory it uses we can use or choose data type wisely for an example if we want to store value as 25 . we can use byte , shorts, int, long but is it good idea ? check memory usage and select what data type is ideal to use. If you would like to lean more please click on below link
If you want learn Java , lets make simple first program Hello world. This is the way to learn so we have make step be step tutorial .
So what you need to learn ? there is few pre-requisite. But how to check if Java is installed in your computer? Simple open command prompt , type CMD in search bar and enter "javac" is java is installed then you will find some options if you do not find then you have to download install and set up environment.
Now we have to write code somewhere so we need code editor , there is lots of benefits to code editor. you will suggestion what to use and get error message if you make mistake and possible suggestion which lighten your work . There are lots of code editor available.
You can watch this same tutorial in Hindi and English language . Please click on below links.
Video in English
Video in Hindi
Click on File option , now click on New and then java project if you do not have this options then click on other, Type java project now you will option now select and click on Next as seen in below image.
Provide name of project and click on Finish.
Now you can observe as below image that project is created and if you expand by down error you will have src folder , right click on that. Click on new then Class .
Enter Name of Class , in this example we have used hello world , click on check mark of public static void main and click on finish .
Now you can observe that you created class and main method since we have check marked while creating class.
Lets type system.out.println , by using this command in main method will help to write hello world in console. you can remove or keep // TODO Auto-generated method stub. since it marked with two // it means it will ignore this comment. and we will type hello world in '' '' since it is string. we will see this datatype in more detail in next tutorial .And making sure we will add semicolon after (end of) code) otherwise system will through error message.
Now click on Run , it is green error button and observe in console.
Congratulations!!! you have made first easy and simple java program for beginners . For more video tutorial click on this link @amazingcodingtechworld
US Military Career Guide- In this article you will find topics like how foreigner can join US Military without GreenCard, What are benfits of joining US Military, How to prepare for US Military Basic Training, After Military or what are career program after Military, Creeds, Army Song, Military Alphabets and Many More. Please Click below link.
Benefits of Joining the Military- There is common question among us . Why should we join the military? or what are benefits of joining military? In this blog I will mentioned benefits of joining US Military. Joining Military is proud tradition or career options for many of us but it has some good benefits, which I listed below.
Military Benefits
1. GI Bill:
Number one benefit of joining military is, you will get GI Bill. There are two types of GI Bills. Montgomery GI Bill and Post 9/11 GI Bill. For Post 9/11 GI Bill, Soldier who served on active duty for more than 90 days since September 10 2001 may eligible for this GI Bill. If you are in 100% tier , Post 9/11 will pay 100% tuition fees for 3 cumulative years or if you attending foreign or private school VA will pa max $ 24,476.79 . Also you can transfer to your spouse and child( Depends on years of Service). Not only that but also you receive Basic Housing Allowance (vary on location) depending on school zip code . Also you may receive book stipend up to $1000 year.
2. Health Insurance Benefit:
With low annul enrollment fee you can enjoy Tricare benefits. If you are active duty member you do not have to pay copay.
3. Tax Break :
If you serve in combat zone , your combat pay may partially or fully tax-free. Also if you are married and receive BAH (Basic Hosing Allowance) and BAS (Basic Allowance for Subsistence) are tax exempt.
4. Travel and visit places:
If you are globetrotter, or want to see different places , military is for you. you not only visit places in US but also you may get opportunity to visit countries like , Germany, Italy, Japan,South Korea etc.
5. Military to Civilian Transition :
As a career option, you decide to leave active military to civilian . There are lots of career program which assist Transitioning Military service members. Also. Veteran status may provide priority in job hunting. Here is link of some of program. Military to civilian career Program
6. Perks and Discount:
Many places offer discount to military member. For example , Sea world and National Parks offer free entry to Active Military members and their family. There are many benefits which military offers. If you think that military is for you. you can try out ASVAB Practice test. if you like this blog , follow or subscribe my blog. Free ASVAB Practice Test 3 Free ASVAB Practice Test 2 Free ASVAB Practice Test 1
Army Boot camp-if you are about ship to the Army Boot Camp. This blog is for you,
it will prepare you to climb success in
Amy Basic Training. This blog , will cover many topics like different programs,
what to remember, what to do and things like that.By reading this article you will be confident
and stand out in Army Basic Training.
Army Boot camp divide into categories.
1.Army Basic Combat
Training: The length of Army Basic cobat training if 10 weeks long and consist of 3
phases .
·Red Phase: 3 weeks long
·White Phase: 3 weeks long
·Blue phase : 4 weeks long
2.Advance idividual
Training: The length of this traiinng is depends on MOS. So length is vary for this
3.One Station Unit
Training(OSUT) : It is combination of Basic training and Advance individual
training in same place. For examole If your MOS is Military Police then you
will ship to this training.
What type of Physical fitnesss Test in this training:
In Army, 2 minute push up , two minute sit up
and 2 mile run events for the physical fitness Test, however it will change from October 2020.
Deadlift—This is a three-repetition
maximum deadlift using a hex bar.
Standing Power Throw—Throw a 10-pound medicine
ball as far as possible over the head and to the rear.
Hand-Raised Push-ups in this event, you still
have to do pushups, but now you also have to add a lift of your hands off
the floor when in the down (chest to ground) position each repetition.
A 250-Meter Sprint, Drag, and Carry in event,
this is five different tests within one event: a 50-meter sprint; a
backward 50-meter drag of a 90-pound sled; a 50-meter movement; a 50-meter
carry of two 40-pound kettlebells; and a final 50-meter sprint.
Leg Tuck in this event, hanging knee up from a
pull-up bar, bringing the knees to the elbow’s multiple times.
Two-Mile Run in This event Soldiers still have
to run 2 miles for their cardiovascular endurance test.
How to prepare for Physical Exercise:
Start slowley ,do not over train or break your body. Time
your running and check time for distance. Do some Push up and Pull ups it will
help you to gain strength. And make sure hydred your self with water and eat
more gree vegetable it will help you in recovery.
I strongly recommend you to participate in Future soldier
What is
Future Soldier program:
In local town recreuiting station manytime they conduct some type
of Physical Phitness Event. Many time it is once every week . Participate in
this event. Also it is good for you to connect with other future solder like
you. And if you have any question these recrutiers can guide you.
Not only that but also may be recent graduate Soldier can
help you if you have any question .In army there is Hometown Recruiting Assistance Program (HRAP)
Recruiter Assistance Program (HRAP)
This Program allows
enlisted Soldiers who have recently completed Advanced Individual Training (AIT),
One Station Unit Training (OSUT) or Army Civilian Acquired Skills Training (ACASP) to return to their hometowns to assist the local recruiters
by sharing their Army training experiences with family, friends, high school
classmates, Future Soldiers, veterans, and community leaders.
They might be best resource because they are fresh graduate from the boot camp.
What to Pack for Boot Camp?
not bring lots of cloth because you will be wearing Army cloth when you will
reach, so do not over pack. Do not bring video game, Laptop because you will
not allow to use it during basic training.
recommend you to bring stamp and envelops.Also learn some tricks to folding cloth.Because you will have many army gears to pack in small place, so just
learn folding technique. Search in youtube, you will find it.
Important things to Memories
It is vital to know Soldier’s creed, Army Song
and Preparation and Recovery Drill. you will be asking every time not only in
boot camp but also in regular unit. And if you are not good at memorizing it is
great to utilize extra time and do it before. There will be lots of thing in
you plate so it is important in you have done many things in an advance.
will be doing this every day in bootcamp. also, in regular unit. So, it is important
to memories in order.
Preparation Drill
1.Bend and Reach
2.Rear Lunge
3.High Jumper
5.Squat Bender
7.Forward Lunge
8.Prone Row
9.Bent-leg Body Twist
11.Push up
Recovery Drill/ Cool
Down drill
1.Overhead Arm Pull
2.Rear Lunge
3.Extend and Flex
4.Thigh Stretch
5.Single-Leg Over
Military Rank and insignia
Junior Enlisted E-1 through E-4)
Army Non-Commissioned
Officers (E-4 to E-6)
Commissioned Army
Officer (o1-o10)
Warrant officer (W1-W5)
Private (E-1)
Corporal (E-4)
Second Lieutenant (2LT)(O1)
Warrant officer one(W1)
Private 2nd Class (E-2)
Sergeant (E-5)
First Lieutenant (1LT)(O2)
Chief warrant officer two (W2)
Private First Class (E-3)
Staff Sergeant (E-6)
Captain (CPT)(O3)
Chief warrant officer three (W3)
Army Specialist (E-4)
Senior Non-Commissioned Officers
(E-7 to E-9)
Major (MAJ)(O4)
Chief warrant officer Four (W4)
Sergeant First Class (E-7)
Colonel (LTC)(O5)
Chief warrant officer five (W5)
Master Sergeant (E-8)
Colonel (COL)(O6)
First Sergeant (E-8)
Brigadier General (BG)(O7)
Sergeant Major (E-9)
Major General (MG)(O8)
Command Sergeant Major (E-9)
Lieutenant General (LTG)(O9)
The Sergeant Major of the Army (E-9S)
General (GEN)(O10)
General of the Army (GOA)
General of the Army (GOA)
Army Jargon
You can also look up army jargon. This is not
that important but nice to have knowledge. For example, food facility or Dining
facility is known as Chow or DFAC. Dorms is considered as Barracks.
Under 10 Minutes to eat:
Basic training you will have under 10 minutes to eat. So, if you are slow eater,
remember and prepare for yourself.
Conclusion: Hope this blog will help you to answer your questions. If you
like this blog do not forget to share.